Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MSU report

As I was reading this article I found myself thinking about my 16 year-old son. He is always playing the video games. I have to admit that what Presky mentioned is somewhat true. He is a very successful student at school, he plays fair, it causes him to be proactive and keep the end in mind. One of the most interesting things that I found out to be is that creativity is enhanced also. They can make and create their own characters and give them personaity.

The most crucial component to all game players is to be wary of addiction. Like most things in life constant game playing can be addictive. I have made sure to regulate a schedule where the child is only allowed to be on the games for a certain amount of time.


1 comment:

CARL said...

Studies have shown that video games in moderation is a great tool for hand eye coordination.

You have nothing to worry about with your son. He is a normal teenager.